
Holly Barclay won the March Social Distance Running Competition, picking up valuable bonus points by completing every challenge, being the first to upload her entry and being a doctor.  

She was closely followed by Jaime Vessiot who got bonus points for not only beating her handicap but doing so while running uphill! Bex Hutchison got a bonus point for her Strava smiley face having the best haircut: impressive given that hairdressers are now all closed for business.

Coming Up

So, now you know the sort of commitment the (idiosyncratic) judges are looking for, you are all ready for the April Social Distance Running Competiton

The challenges for the first half of April are: 

  1. Incorporate your fellow isolation mates into your exercise routine (with their consent). Walk the dog, use your flatmate as a kettlebell, do a savasana with the cat, get creative.
  2. Hills – Check out the list of hills to tackle (see below) and see which ones are local to you. Tick off as many as you can, as HAAM as you can.
  3. How many press-ups can you do in two minutes?
  4. Draw a body part. It can be any body part; your favourite one, or your best feature. Draw it huge or tiny, wiggly or straight, cubist or impressionist.

Get your entry in here

On The Run

On The Run has been producing plenty of articles and Postcard from Quarantine podcasts. And, as with every week, they and all other new website content are reproduced in full in this email below. 

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