Wellington Scottish Athletics Club

Running and Walking in Wellington, New Zealand

Scottish Mountain Running Champs

Sat, 13 April 2024, 2pm

Huntleigh Girl Guiding Centre, 44 Silverstream Road, Crofton Downs

Photo credit: Celoiskra

This race celebrates the club’s rich history in Mountain running. Scottish have had several members represent New Zealand, including 2-times World Champion Melissa Moon.

Race HQ is the Huntleigh Park Girl Guides Centre, which is down a long driveway between number 48 Silverstream Rd and the Playcentre. There are a few carparks at the bottom. For those wanting to use public transport, this is a short walk from the Crofton Downs Station (see map) which is the first stop on the Johnsonville line.

The race will get way shortly after 2pm from Huntleigh Park, with 3 options you can choose from. Very rough approximate distances are Short: 3-4km, Medium: 5-6km, Long 7-8km.

All  3 options head across Huntleigh Park and turn left up a short steep road to join the Silversky Track. This is a single-lane track that you continue running until it meets the Skyline Track. All 3 distances head up the 4WD track.

The short course turns underneath the first power pylon it will be marked (on the ground ) with a Big S. 

The medium course turns at the first gate — you guessed it, marked with a Big M.

The long course proceeds past the gate where you will take a sharp left up another access track which is rough underfoot and steep. About 3/4 up, you will turn right onto a single-lane track that winds down and meets the Skyline Track near the summit. At this point, you turn left and head down the hill for home.

All three courses head back down the Silversky Track to the finish.

There will be ground markings to show you the way.

For the walkers, there are lots of options both flat and hilly for a pack walk.

For the J team, we can set up a cross-country run on the park and some tracks around the Guide Hall
