The friendliest running club in Aotearoa

Wellington Scottish Athletics Club is about camaraderie, support, and friendship. We have a well-deserved reputation as a friendly, welcoming running community for runners of all levels.

What makes the Wellington Scottish Athletics Club special is our inclusive ethos. We welcome runners of all abilities, from those taking their first steps in the running world to seasoned athletes. Whether you’re embarking on your running journey or aiming for a personal best, you’ll find a supportive and encouraging environment at Wellington Scottish. We foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie among our members, setting us apart from other running clubs.

builds meaningful connections among our members. Our group training sessions and social events offer many opportunities for runners and walkers to come together, share our experiences, and form lasting friendships. Our focus on building a community goes beyond running — we want to be a supportive network of friends that extends into various aspects of members’ lives.

As a club, we also support and uplift our members through coaching, mentorship, and simply cheering each other on during races. We prioritise the wellbeing and success of every club member. This friendship and support helps runners improve their performance and fosters a culture of care, kindness and encouragement.

Wellington Scottish Athletics Club supports our local community, such as fundraising for local community charities at the annual Night of Miles and the Three Peaks running series. We want to be a club that people value and admire because of how we support our city.

Whether you’re a novice runner or a seasoned athlete, the Wellington Scottish Athletics Club welcomes you with open arms.

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